There was quite a bit to see at Square Enix’ Toy Fair booth. From comics to some of the most beloved RPGs of all time, they brought some awesome prototypes to the Fair.
A little bit of everything, framed by some terrible lighting
I do not –not– like Square Enix’ lighting. It’s exactly the same at every booth that they have, at every con that the company goes to. And it’s just… not… great. Well, for a camera anyway. When you’re there, looking at the stuff, it’s actually fine. But because everything is lit from below, it’s tough to get a good shot. So, basically – sorry these pics don’t looks so hot. But at least these shots are of some cool stuff.
As usual Square Enix had stuff from their upcoming Marvel and DC lines, including one of the strangest Joker/Harley duo figures of all time. Joker is in a wheelchair and Harl is pushing. I’m pretty sure that’s supposed to be from Arkham City, but it still looked odd. Then there was the Joker in the mech suit. They’re nothing if not inventive.
That goes for their Marvel offerings too. The Wolverine and Magneto that were on display had the signature look that fans have come to expect from the company’s series of reimaginings. Both liked pretty awesome too.
As for the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy stuff, well it was back once again. It’s seemingly been years since these figures were announced, and they’re still not out. In the case of some of them (hi Barrett), they’re not even painted yet. As with the comic stuff though, they looked pretty awesome.
Scroll down for the full look at the above.