Home / DC Comics / NeatherRealm Studios Reveals Swamp Thing, Catwoman, Poison Ivy And More For Injustice 2

NeatherRealm Studios Reveals Swamp Thing, Catwoman, Poison Ivy And More For Injustice 2

NetherRealm Studios reveals five new characters for the upcoming Injustice 2. Starting off the character reveals was the mossy green giant, Swamp Thing. Then the ladies came out with a bang in the trailer, ‘Here Come The Girls.’ The roster continues to grow and impress as the release dates gets closer for Injustice 2.

Injustice 2 Here Comes The Girls
Catwoman, Black Canary, Cheetah and Poison Ivy join the Injustice 2 roster.

The Injustice 2 Ladies Can Kick Some Major Butt

In the newest trailer, ‘Here Come The Girls,’ we see that three new characters will be joining the Injustice 2 roster. Catwoman is the only holdover from the first game. Players will be able to play as Black Canary, Cheetah and Poison Ivy. These three ladies were long rumored to be a part of the cast and their inclusion is a big positive. Make sure to check out the video below to see these four ladies kicking some major butt.

He Is Mean And He Is Green, He Is The Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing makes his first appearance in the Injustice series. Another character long rumored to be on the upcoming roster. It appears his fighting style maybe similar to the characters, Bane or Doomsday, from the first Injustice.


About Rick Brown

As a fearful proponent, I agree with out robot overlords on House Bill 10010101 - The Full Extermination of the Human Race. But until then, make sure to check out all my writings on video game stuff.

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