The next batch of free games for Playstation Plus users have been revealed by Sony, and it’s a step up from their recent offerings.
Playstation 4
- Tropico 5
- Table Top Racing: World Tour
- Switch Galaxy Ultra
Playstation 3
- Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
- LocoRoco Cocorecho!
Playstation Vita
- God of War: Ghost of Sparta
- Switch Galaxy Ultra
A common complaint regarding these games recently has been that they have mostly been indie games. Prior to this stretch of indie games, Playstation did a bang up job with the games they offered for free with their subscription service.
Personally, I think next month’s Plus lineup is great. I’m a longtime fan of the Tropico games, and still haven’t played 5. I don’t have any personal experience with any of the other plus titles this month. The mobile version of Table Top Racing received decent reception, with mixed to high reviews.
All of the above games will be available for download free of charge for Playstation Plus members starting next week when the Playstation store update
