Aired during the Super Bowl, this new X-Men: Apocalypse gives a better look at the title bad guy and a heck of a lot of missiles.
I was pretty down on X-Men: Apocalypse for a while, but pretty much everything that we’ve seen as of late for the film is looking pretty solid. That’s including Apocalypse by the way, who definitely looks a lot more like the villain that we’re used to seeing in the X-Men comics from Marvel. He’s still not spot on really, but he’s looking better with every peek we get. At this point, I’m thinking that he evolves as the movie goes on. Could be.
Also appearing in the film, which is set in the 1980s, are new (yet returning) characters Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, and Nightcrawler. They’re in addition to all the returning mutants from the First Class and Days of Future Past and all-new characters like Psylocke and Archangel. That’s a pretty awesome team of classic X-Men no matter how you look at it.
I’m going to go ahead and say I’m cautiously optimistic on this one, which is a pretty big improvement over my previous thoughts. The second mutant movie of 2016 (Deadpool being the first), X-Men: Apocalypse hits screens on May 27th.