Home / News / Ubisoft announces release dates for more Assassin’s Creed Chronicles

Ubisoft announces release dates for more Assassin’s Creed Chronicles

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles India and Russia are coming at you in 2016.

Coming up in very short order are the remaining two Assassin’s Creed Chronicles adventures, India and Russia.  The games are set to be released on January 12th and February 9th respectively, and bring the Chronicles sub-series to a close.

It was actually a pretty interesting little experiment on behalf of Ubi. Chronicles brings the world of Assassin’s Creed to a 2.5D level, playing out much the way that a classic side-scrolling action title would. The first episode (which is available now) takes gamers into China during the Ming dynasty, which episodes two and three delve into the Sikh war against the East India Company, and the aftermath of the Red October Revolution.

The second episode, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India, throws players into the tension between the Sikh Empire and the private armies of the British-owned East India Company in 1841. When a Master Templar arrives with a mysterious item that used to belong to the Assassin Order, Arbaaz Mir must discover why the Templar has come, steal back the item and protect his friends and his lover.

The final episode, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: Russia, takes place in 1918 when Assassin Nikolaï Orelov must complete one last mission for the Assassin Order before he can leave with his family. His mission: infiltrate the house where the Tsar’s family is being held by the Bolsheviks and steal an artifact that has been fought over by Assassins and Templars for centuries. While too late to save the Tsar’s entire family, he manages to save the princess, Anastasia, whom he must protect as he escapes the Templars with her and the artifact in tow.

Each episode has it’s own story obviously, but also its own art style and playable character. All three are connected too, so the whole trilogy sets up one expansive narrative. And though the last two will be arriving separately, they’ll also see a bundle deal with the first, which will be available on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC day and date with the third episode’s launch, February 9th.

You’ll also find a boxed, retail release of the three in a compilation pack arriving on the 9th as well, and the games will be making their way to the handheld realm too. They’ll hit the PS Vita on the 5th of April.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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