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Star Wars: Battlefront to release Holiday 2015

Sorry Battlefield fans, your needs will take backseat to the Star Wars addicts. EA has confirmed that their next big holiday release will be Star Wars: Battlefront during Holiday 2015. An IGN article cites Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson as confirming the news during an investor relations call, stating his desire to release a major first person shooter title yearly. It seems that EA is seriously dedicating their brand to the Battlefront franchise. Fans have been anxiously awaiting this game since news of renewed development was released. Star Wars: Battlefront has experienced many ups and downs over the last couple years as development has been halted several times due to various rumored reasons. In May 2013, EA announced exclusive rights to develop Star Wars video games. DICE then released a teaser trailer during E3 2013, establishing their Battlefront as a reboot rather than a sequel to any previous game. With every news release, it appears EA and DICE expect this to be a major blockbuster; however, right now there aren’t many actual facts released about the game. We’ll have to wait to see what Jedi mind tricks they have up their sleeves.

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About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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