Home / E3 / Saturday Radar: GamesRadar’s best for the week of 6/2/14

Saturday Radar: GamesRadar’s best for the week of 6/2/14

E3 blasts into L.A. next week and GamesRadar’s coverage of the mega gaming event is already in full swing with looks at 99 things that the site is predicting for the big show and… a drinking game? Sure, why not; they’re all the rage these days you know.

99 E3 2014 predictions: What do Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have planned?

This massive article (sort of) clocks in at 104 pages- but don’t worry, it won’t take all day to get through since 103 of those pages are just one sentence predictions for the three big pressers of E3. GR covers Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo in pretty amazing detail nonetheless though and I have a feeling all of the serious prognostications will be on point.

I say ‘serious’ because there are bunch of silly ones too and even more poking fun at the various companies and their super-predictable press conference goings-on. That aside, if GR is on point in any way for even some of this stuff, it should be a great show- especially for long time Nintendo fans.

GR predicts, among other things, that the NFC figures will be massive in use and result in more than one really awesome game mentioned or shown off in the 2014 Nintendo Direct. They’re also looking for Nintendo to announce a big new 3DS titles along the lines of an HD Majora’s Mask remake and a Star Fox or new 2D Metroid, which’d be great. Maybe the coolest thing though is that they actually mentioned Nintendo getting back into cartoons.

If you were a kid in the 80’s then more likely than not you have fond memories of Captain N, The Legend of Zelda, and Super Mario in cartoon form. Those shows may have even fostered a love for the company that may not have existed otherwise and that might be something that Nintendo could really use right now. I’d love to see it, well, just because.

This E3 could be very big indeed, click here for even more on it from the crystal ball of GamesRadar.

E3 2014: The official companion drinking game

Mainly a portal to skewer the all too familiar events and happenings that happen at pretty much every E3 in history and some of the sure-fire stuff that the big three will be spinning into oblivion at 2014’s installment, this drinking game (were you to actually partake) would drive you into an alcohol-induced coma after the close of E3’s first day.

GR wants gamers to take a sip whenever Kinect is mentioned in a positive light, whenever minor lip service is paid to the PS Vita, and when Nintendo starts talking about a game that’s already available. With rules like that, you’d be lucky to get through one of the pressers, never mind all three.

Nonetheless, if you’re feeling particularly masochistic, click here for the full painful set of times to imbibe.

30 reasons why we still love Tetris after 30 years

Doo, doo, doo, dee-dee-dee, doo, doo, dee-dee-dee, doo-doo, dee, dee, dee, dee… well, now that song is going to be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. I probably won’t complain though, since Tetris and pretty much everything associated with it is pure video game magic.

From the game’s first days on the NES (including the knock-off Tengen version, remember that?) Tetris by Alexey Pajitnov was a star title and an instant great. Sure there are puzzle games that are way more complex and have better audio and more visual flair, but none can match the simple joy of piecing those little differently-shaped bricks together.

Now celebrating its 30th anniversary, there are a lot of great Tetris memories here in this piece by Jason Fanelli, including a mention of the Nintendo DS version of the game- still my favorite of the bunch. Click through and take a brick-covered walk down memory lane.


Those are the best of the best from GR this past week. Give ‘em a read and then feel free to chat ‘em up in the comments section below. We’ll see you back here on Saturday Radar next weekend!

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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