Home / Apple / The 7th Guest 3 heading back to crowd funding, and maybe TV and film too

The 7th Guest 3 heading back to crowd funding, and maybe TV and film too

Trilobyte Games is all kinds of busy these days with their long-dormant horror franchise.

The developer is moving through the first phase of their three-part plan to resurrect their The 7th Guest series and get the third entry in the trilogy, The 7th Guest 3: The Collector, onto PC’s. With partial funding already secured and a beta on the way thanks to fans and supporters, Trilobyte is looking to CrowdtiltOpen (a new crowd funding platform) to help out with the second stage of the game.

“We’ve reconstituted much of our original team and received ringing endorsements from all, including a ‘greenlight’ from the Steam community” said Rob Landeros, cofounder, creative director and CEO of Trilobyte Games. “We’re asking fans and puzzle game lovers everywhere to pledge $65,000 to fund our beta; The 7th Guest 3: The First Story.”

The band is back together for the most part too with the likes of “Robert Hirschboeck (Henry Stauf), Tommy Tallarico, David Wheeler, and John Fricker” all on board along with the tunes of George Alistair Sanger, who has allowed for his original compositions to be included in the game. As I mentioned above though, that’s not all that going on for 7th Guest fans to look forward to.

Due to an alliance with Angel Valley Media, the series might actually be making the jump from games to TV and movies.

“The 7th Guest is a landmark in gaming history,” said Angel Valley president Matthew Lewis. “Bringing Henry Stauf and the rich universe of the series to life in film was inevitable. We’ll be working side-by-side with Trilobyte Games to give players a new look into Stauf’s world, with new storylines and characters tightly interwoven with the game series.”

7th Guest makes for a nearly perfect fit for film. The game is basically a playable movie already, all you have to do is take the puzzle-solving out of the player’s hands and put them to some written characters to solve and you’ve got your film. It definitely could work as an episodic TV show as well with all the swerves and right angles that the games tend to throw at audiences.

No release date for this one as of yet (especially since their still inn the hunt for funding), but you can loo forward to The 7th Guest 3: The Collector on the PC, Mac, Linux, and iOS when it finally does drop. If you’d like to help the team out, click here for the CrowdtiltOpen page.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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