Home / Comics / Thanos returns to the Marvel U in an all-new graphic novel this April

Thanos returns to the Marvel U in an all-new graphic novel this April

Hot on the heels of Infinity, Thanos returns once again in the new graphic novel Thanos: The Infinity Revelation.

There is an imbalance in the universe. Since his latest return from oblivion, Thanos himself feels… incomplete. Now the so-called Mad Titan plans to put both wrongs right. The revelatory waters of the Infinity Well lead Thanos on a new quest, with a once sworn enemy, Adam Warlock, at his side. A crusade that will bring confrontation with the Silver Surfer and the galaxy’s mightiest heroes – the Annihilators. This April, Thanos will embark on an odyssey that will change everything in THANOS: THE INFINITY REVELATION.

Quite the hot commodity as of late, the Mad Titan has been absolutely crawling all over the Marvel Universe- in more ways than one. Remember that the big guy was seen at the end of the Avengers feature film and, even though Ultron will be the baddie in the sequel, he’s still waiting in the wings of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Movies aside though, he’s been an even bigger presence in the comics U where he just finished up a massive crossover event with Infinity.

So what does a godlike villain do for an encore? How does teaming up with a sworn enemy, taking on the biggest heroes outside of Earth (including the Guardians of the Galaxy) and becoming even more powerful of a threat -all in an original graphic novel from none other than industry legend Jim Starlin- sound? Yep, gonna be a buys 2014 for Mr.PurplePants.

“Thanos and Adam Warlock team up to deal with a universe imperiling event. Big changes are coming to everything and the Titan appears to be at the heart of this astral metamorphosis. The story concludes with a major change in Thanos’ status within the Marvel Universe, turning him into a greater threat than ever before,” says Starlin.

Once again Marvel is promising very big things here with “a tale of death and rebirth that will transform the Marvel Universe once more”. Personally, I don’t know how much more changing, ‘death’ and/or ‘rebirth’ the old Marvel U can take… but maybe that’s the point. Thanos: The Infinity Revelation hits comic shops complete with the usual free digital edition this April.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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