Home / Comics / The Winter Soldier goes back to the Cold War this February

The Winter Soldier goes back to the Cold War this February

Bucky’s newest title, Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1, will be an aptly chilling one. Marvel Comics has announced that the man known as the Winter Soldier will be headed back to the Cold War in a title set to debut in a month that’s known for its freezing temps- February.

A tortured and broken soul, Bucky Barnes spent most of his life in service to the enemy. Programmed to be ruthless and efficient killing machine, The Winter Soldier conducted countless assassinations and wetwork missions for the Soviet Union.

Set during the Cold War, Winter Soldier: The Bitter March follows Bucky on one of his most dangerous missions yet – one that pits him directly against S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, and more! With Nick Fury missing and presumed dead, S.H.I.E.L.D. sends its top agent Ran Shen to retrieve two Nazi scientists who hold the key to winning the Cold War! But the Americans aren’t the only ones who want their secrets. The Soviets have dispatched their own deadly operative – The Winter Soldier!

It used to be a saying in comics that the only character who actually stays dead is Bucky. Of course, the revelation that Captain America’s former sidekick had been alive all these years and had been an agent of the Soviet Union during the Cold War kind of turned that one on its head. I don’t think there are too many fans that would complain about the move to bring Buck back though, since the character has become a pretty awesome little addition to the Marvel U- and has even spawned a starring role opposite Chris Evans’ Cap in the forthcoming Captain America: The Winter Soldier movie sequel.

Personally, that’s the superhero film I’m probably most pumped for at the moment and that also has me seriously looking forward to Bucky’s newest series. It’s a great idea to take the character back to the ’80s and the Cold War too, to see him at the height of his allegiance to the USSR. That’s something that we haven’t really seen so far in comics; should be a fun ride to say the least.

You can expect to see the new book debut this coming February from the very talented creative team of  Rick Remender and artist Roland Boschi. Keep your eye on this one,  it’s pretty different for Marvel and could set the stage nicely for the film.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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