The former Team Bondi’s (of L.A. Noire fame) next title Whore of the Orient has been in something of a purgatory for a while now, but it just might see the light of day yet if this new gameplay ‘trailer’ is anything to go by.
Team Bondi was closed by Rockstar Games shortly after their cinematic action/adventure title L.A. Noire hit shelves back in 2011, but their next title (Whore of the Orient) was already on the road to consoles. The actual state of the game was always a little murky, but a good chunk of the talent at the developer landed at publishing house KMM (Kennedy Miller Mitchell) and it looked like the game was still more or less good to go.
With a promised ‘next-gen’ release in the works though, the game went silent yet again with nothing to show fans or media… till now. Sort of.
The thing is, this footage isn’t exactly ‘official’ and was actually posted up by UK gaming site Videogamer. Just what context these random scenes of action are to be taken in isn’t known and, as MCV points out, it certainly doesn’t look next generation. It could be though that the game is meant to be released on both current and future consoles, so maybe keep that in mind as you watch. Personally, I’m still moderately excited about Whore of the Orient as a game set in early to mid 20th century Asia could be something very, very cool. Not to mention never seen in gaming before.
Source: MCV