Zen Studios’ excellent Star Wars universe themed pinball tables are on the way to Nintendo’s console.
Zen has seriously captured some of the force in a jar with their Pinball series with some incredibly faithful recreations of the base pinball arcade experience. If you’re old enough to remember playing a few rounds of steelball in an arcade or pizza joint, then the tables in Zen’s games will strike a serious chord that will have you addicted in no time flat.
It’s not that the tables in Zen’s games are actual pinball machines from the days of yore, but they just feel right, if that makes any sense. Right there with the best of them too is the Star Wars themed set that the developer released not all that long ago. Already on a number of platforms, Zen now has Star Wars Pinball inbound for the Wii U and it’ll not only have everything that the other versions of the game have, but it promises some very cool GamePad functionality as well.
The second screen will play host to “additional controls and game information including dot matrix, scores, and challenge information”. And of course, you can play ‘off TV’ with it as well. For that alone, this might be the definitive version of the game.
Look for Zen’s Star Wars Pinball tables to be available for the Wii U on July 11th in both North America and Europe. Slightly cheaper than being smuggled to Alderaan, Star Wars Pinball will cost you $9.99.
If you’d like to check out our review of the Xbox 360 version, click here.