Home / Collectables / Marvel Minimates series 50 is ’90s-tastic

Marvel Minimates series 50 is ’90s-tastic

Fans of the Marvel U of the 1990’s take note, because you’re gonna love Diamond’s 50th series of Minimates.

Cyborg Spider-Man, Danny Ketch Ghost Rider, Onslaught(!)- if those names conjure up thoughts of die-cut covers and polybags, then keep reading. Sure there were other winners in the fan contest  Diamond set up on Marvel.com, but it’s pretty awesome that half the characters fans picked  were from that gloriously gaudy (comic book-wise anyway) age of some of the most over the top comic gimmicks in history.

So who were the rest? So glad you asked! The contest was broken up into four categories and had fans picking from each to assemble the final group. And the winners are…

The first poll dealt with the superstars of the Marvel Universe, the A-list heroes everybody knows and loves. The clear winner, with 2,516 votes, was Ghost Rider, in his most recent look as Danny Ketch, complete with blue flame. Second place went to Cyborg Spider-Man, with 1,723 votes, and both characters will be made in Series 50.

The second poll was entirely composed of the supporting heroes of the Marvel Universe, those who may occasionally headline a mini-series but are primarily team players. The surprising winner of this poll with 1,719 votes was Thunderbolts member Songbird — one of the few female characters in any of the polls. She will be the sole Support Team member made in Series 50.

The all-villains poll gave us the largest portion of the assortment, with crossover villain and Heroes Reborn instigator Onslaught coming in first place with 1,535 votes. Additionally, the second-place winner was longtime Avengers foe Baron Zemo II, with 1,337 votes. Both will receive figures in the assortment, and Zemo will also receive the rare variant figure in the wave — his father, Baron Zemo I.

The final poll was dedicated to army-builder characters who may not have individual names, but are known to fans for their roles in some of Marvel’s most epic battles. The winner, with 935 votes, was the classic Nova Corps Centurion, who recently played a key role in the War of Kings. A Corpsman will be packaged with Zemo I AND Zemo II, and will include alternate head and hair pieces to represent different characters and races.

Series 50 of Diamond’s Marvel Minimates will be hitting comic shops and specialty stores (exclusively) in Summer 2013.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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