Home / Comics / Marvel kicks off its Star Wars universe with a trio of new books

Marvel kicks off its Star Wars universe with a trio of new books

George Lucas’ universe makes its return to Marvel Comics with a set of three new ongoing series’.

Well, you knew Marvel wasn’t going to sit on this one and it looks like they’ve got a whole universe full of Star Wars comics planned for the launch. I didn’t even really think of this, but Star Wars allows Marvel to set up an entirely new ‘line’ of comics.

They’ve got their Marvel superhero universe (and the Ultimate universe too), but with Star Wars they can new have a full-blown sci-fi universe too. And one that’s ready made and ripe with stories to tell since the entirety of the ‘Expanded Universe’, which had been accepted canon for years, has now been announced as, well, not. A new series of movies and new property owner will do that I suppose.

As for the first offerings from Marvel, Star Wars will lead the way, with Darth Vader and Princess Leia rounding out the trinity, all of which takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Some interesting choices there, but all of them could work big time- especially Vader, which sounds like it has some very unique ideas behind it. And I’m crossing my fingers for a Han and Chewie team-up book at some point.

Here’s what to expect for now:

Lucasfilm Ltd. and Marvel Entertainment are extremely proud to announce the iconic Star Wars franchise will return to Marvel in 2015 with a line-up of three comic book titles chronicling the adventures of a galaxy far, far away.  Beginning in January 2015, prepare for STAR WARS by writer Jason Aaron (Thor,Original Sin), artist John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men) and colorist Laura Martin,DARTH VADER by writer Kieron Gillen and artist Salvador Larroca and PRINCESS LEIA by writer Mark Waid and artist Terry Dodson.

Taking place immediately after the events of Star Wars: A New Hope, the Force returns to Marvel in January with three new series spotlighting beloved characters from the iconic trilogy! Created in close partnership with Lucasfilm, the three new Star Wars series will exist as part of the canon for the Star Wars universe!

It all starts this January when Jason Aaron, John Cassaday and Laura Martin take fans back to the days following the destruction of the first Death Star in STAR WARS!Discussing the flagship series, writer Jason Aaron tells Marvel.com, “Every story is about the characters, and we’ll focus on all the old favorites. There will be big moments for everyone, from Han to R2-D2. But a major part of the narrative will be driven by Luke Skywalker and his journey of discovery, a journey that will decide the fate of the entire galaxy.”

However, the return of the Rebel Alliance to Marvel Comics also invites the return of its opposition, the Imperial Forces of the Galactic Empire and in February 2015, Kieron Gillen plans to delve into the psyche of one of the vilest villains of all time with the new ongoing series DARTH VADER. Witness the struggle for the freedom of an entire galaxy – from the Dark Side!

“Vader’s the sole survivor of the greatest military disaster in history – and a disaster that he definitely had a hand in by letting the rebels escape with the plans for the Death Star. This is not a thing which leaves you in anybody’s good books, let alone the Emperor’s,” says writer Kieron Gillen. “The great thing about this period [between Star Wars: A New Hopeand Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back] is what we don’t see on the screen. Vader learns who Luke Skywalker is at some point between the two movies, to choose but one example.”

Then, in March 2015, Mark Waid & Terry Dodson bring you the harrowing tale of loss and hope in the 5-issue limited series PRINCESS LEIAFresh from the Rebel Alliance’s victory at the Battle of Yavin, Leia must confront the reality that her homeworld has been destroyed. But in the light of such tragedy, there is always hope. Skilled equally with diplomacy as she is a blaster, witness the rise of one of the greatest heroines in history as she takes her rightful place as one of the Alliance’s peerless leaders!

“Does she choose to be a Princess of nothing – or does she set out to rebuild her heritage and civilization?” says writer Mark Waid.

Again, the world of Luke, Han, Chewbacca, Leia and even Vader make their historic return to the House of Ideas beginning next year! Take your first step into a larger world with STAR WARS #1DARTH VADER #1 and PRINCESS LEIA #1 in 2015! For more onStar Wars please visit marvel.com and join in the conversation on Twitter with #StarWars.To experience Star Wars online, visit StarWars.com or follow Star Wars on Facebook,Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ or YouTube.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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