Home / Comics / DC’s greatest heroes meeting their (apparent) doom in Justice League #75

DC’s greatest heroes meeting their (apparent) doom in Justice League #75

If you missed the news, DC Comics is saying that it’s greatest heroes are on a collision course with the grim reaper. It all begins in Justice League #75.

The beginning of the end

To be clear, the deaths of major heroes in comics is nothing new. It happens pretty frequently, and it also doesn’t tend to last. In general, iconic superheroes are the drivers of comic books, and the main ones that fans look to, to keep them reading. Even though they might stick around for a while, fill-ins tend to back into relative nothingness once sales drop. And they always drop, after an initial bump.

Now fans are about to get treated to another stab at taking major players off the board, though in a pumped up form. This time it’s from, as you can see in the title, DC Comics, and the characters that are to be taken down are some of the publisher’s most popular.

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, John Stewart’s Green Lantern, and quite a few others will be ‘killed’ (at least seemingly) in Justice League #75. The issue will be both a culmination and a starting point apparently, for what’s set to be a major DC story arc.

A new  Dark  Army  made  up  of  the  DCU’s  greatest  villains  has  formed  on  the  edges  of  the  Multiverse and the best and most powerful heroes are pulled together in an epic war to push the darkness back. In the end, the Justice League are killed by the Dark Army with only one survivor to warn the remaining heroes of Earth about what is coming for them!

DC Comics

The aftermath

So what happens after the world’s greatest heroes go down in flames? That’ll be up to Earth’s remaining forces, as they gather to save the day. There are still a few very heavy hitters left too, with Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Cyborg, Superboy, Jon Kent’s Superman, Black Adam, Flash, and a whole mess of others still alive and kicking post #75. They’ll be taking on the aforementioned Dark Army, who has set its collective sight on domination.

So when do these classic characters make their return? Well, according to DC, not for a while. One of the big focal points for the new storyline will be showing what the DCU looks like without a League.

Presumably, there’ll be much more to that than just the looming threat of the Dark Army. Will supervillains be running rampant and cosmic disasters wreak havoc in the months (years?) to come? And what about the solo books starring heroes like Wonder Woman? Will those come to a close as well, or feature their star’s stand-ins? Tune in to find out.

One thing we do know though, is that you won’t be able to “tune in” in the pages of Justice League. That’s right, there won’t be any kind of League in the DCU that’s coming. So there won’t be a Justice League comic either. The current run ends at issue #75 this April.

Source: DC Comics

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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