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One:12 Collective Doctor Strange (Action Figure) Review

The Sorcerer Supreme comes to Mezco’s One:12 Collective with a winner of a figure that casts almost all the right spells.

Master of the Mystic Arts

Doctor Strange has been one of those Marvel Comics characters that has benefitted greatly from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Before the MCU, he honestly wasn’t all that popular. Oh sure, you could find fans of the hero, and he had a long-running comic, but I certainly didn’t know any of them growing up.

And yet now, he’s arguably bigger than ever. Strange now doesn’t seem to be able to hold a starring role in a comic book for any great swath of time, but I know plenty of people who loved the movie. He’s also a hero that figured greatly into last year’s Infinity War film, so his popularity is only growing.

This figure that we’re looking at today isn’t from the films though. He’s the old school Doctor Strange from the comics. And he doesn’t deviate all that much from his traditional look.

Oh, and he’s freaking awesome.

Build Quality

Well, we’re looking at a One:12 figure here, so you know where this category is heading. This is a tremendously well-made and detailed line in general, and once again Mezco Toyz has gotten it right with Strange. Sort of.

But before we get to the bad, let’s talk about the good.

Doctor Strange has a smaller, thinner frame than most other One:12’ers. He’s just as well made though. He also has something that I think might be a first for the line, in that he has a pair of magnets built into his chest. Why? Because that’s where the cape attaches. And yes, that’s awesome.

The cape is pretty nicely done too, with a wire that runs through the front of it for posing. The rest of the clothing is just as great. Though that cape does have one very big issue, and I don’t know how far reaching it is.

Being that it affixes to Strange’s chest, the magnets are a little hit and miss. Though that’s not even what I’m referring to, but I wanted to mention it. One of the magnets on my Strange came loose from its housing immediately and left itself on Doc’s chest after I removed the cape.

Fortunately, you can tuck it back in, and it’s probably totally fixable with a stitch or bit of tape. But with a high end collector figure like this is, that kind of stuff really isn’t something that you should have to deal with. Again though, my figure might be a one off, a rarity. And it should be interesting to see if it starts being reported.


I should just write “incredible” here and leave it at that. Strange looks every bit of that, with some fantastic posing possibilities thanks to the body type, articulation, and accessories included.

As you can see in the gallery below, I had a ton of fun posing him.

There’s actually a little bit of a bummer though, in that only one face sculpt is included in the box. I know Strange only really has one “look”, but having a few expressions would have been nice. Even 2 would have been great. As it is, he’s only got the one expression. It’s fine, and looks great, like it came right off the comic page, but you get my drift.

Again though, that is the sole down point to Strange. The figure’s costume is phenomenal, accentuating the Doc’s lanky frame. Much like the face sculpt that’s in the box too, it looks just like the comics.

I love how Mezco did the shoes, since the soles are the only part exposed. They’re stitched right onto the pants. It just looks neat. So do the sleeves, since they flop over the gloves and just look great.


In my opinion, the very best One:12 figures are the ones that include a whole bunch of accessories. And that’s very much this Doctor Strange fig. While he has all of the requisite extra hands, he’s also got plenty more.

Strange has two really cool spell effects that snap onto his wrists, and an awesomely sculpted “astral form” that snaps onto the included flight stand. Additionally, he’s got a pair of Eye of Agamoto’s that you can swap. One is closed and one is open.

In the movies of course, this is the Time Stone (of Infinity Stone fame), but in the comics it’s a whole separate gimmick. Much like the rest of the figure, it looks just like that comic book design.

The piece is relatively easy to swap too. It simply pops out of its housing and you can then plug in whichever you like. The open Eye has a translucent thing happening too, though I don’t know how it’s supposed to light up. Maybe something that was planned at one point and then not used?


So with all of that, is this a great One:12 figure? Yes, it really is. I feel safe in saying that since Doctor Strange has some awesome sculpting, clothing, and articulation with the slim body type.

Yes, the last of a second facial sculpt is a little disappointing, and the cape issue is bothersome, but that’s it. Other than that stuff, this is an awesome addition to the One:12 Collective, and a major Marvel Comics hero to boot.

As usual, I’m looking forward to what’s next in this line.

Doctor Strange
Release Date: Available now
Maker: Mezco Toyz
Line: One:12 Collective
MSRP ($): 80.00

Build quality - 88%
Aesthetic - 95%
Extras - 92%



Overall, this is yet another jewel in the One:12 Collective's crown. The Doctor Strange figure includes some great accessories, and fantastic sculpting, articulation, and detailing. There are some issues that I had, like the fact that there was only one face sculpt included and his cape "broke" on me. Those aren't the biggest of issues though, and I'm very happy to have this Sorcerer Supreme on my shelf.

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About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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