The Following really feels like it could have been a full-on sequel to Dying Light, and with the expansion pac hitting consoles and the PC sometime soon, Techland has released a teaser that hints at what gamers can expect from the story.
I haven’t played Dying Light (I know, I know), but that little snippet actually makes me more interested in playing The Following than the original adventure. Magic? Domesticated undead? I dig the way that sounds.
Techland has said that you don’t necessarily have to have played through the first game in order to play The Following, though they’ve also said that it’d help a lot if you did finish it, as I remember. You also need the first game in order to play this adventure, as it’s a true expansion pack, so you might want to grab a copy now and play through anyway, so you’ll be ready for The Following when it’s released for the PC, Xbox One, and PS4 on February 9th.
And you know, it’s actually a pretty phenomenal game too as I understand it.