A Genesis: BoC Decktech Series
Genesis deckbuilding can get a little math-y with balancing chi values, aura pools, and having no card limit, so I’m here to help breakdown some fun archetypes you can expand on or rip apart and completely remake with your own ideas!
We’re gonna take a card and build an entire deck around that card.
and today’s card is…..

Yes, today we’re experimenting with the Blue Green Demon, a champion with the potential to *checks notes* have infinite life, infinite aura to cast the biggest spells, and sculpt their hand. What more could you want?
In order to pull off this ridiculous ask, we’re gonna need to really look at how we can use and abuse Proteus’ ability. First off, is the various Breaks. Each copy of Aura and Beckon Break we manage to equip get a counter at the start of every round; it adds up *fast*, enabling you to summon tons of Rhinovirus’ to help turn economy and drown in aura.
Water and Thunder Break synergize with the majority of our attacks and spells, so we’ll constantly be adding counters to those as well; healing to max or preventing all damage at swift is incredibly useful. Dedicated studies (and the filtering part of Proteus’ ability) help us to get to the cards we need to get the engine going. Devastation, Tsunami, Water Warp and Electrical Storm provide the various water and electric damage aura outlets, dishing out massive damage to a huge area. Gelid and Sensory Shock provide ways to disrupt your opponent while still triggering the Breaks, and Evasive and Pestilent Consumption give us movement and a potential combo with a healing board clear. Throw in some beckons like Ponerodon and Firing Crog to keep the water damage flowing (and each brings some utility and a decent awareness as well), and you have a pretty decent setup.
I’ll leave it to you to tweak the numbers and specific cards to your personal liking. I will leave you with this bit of advice regarding Proteus: it pays to sculpt your hand early on, as you don’t need as many copies of each card (provided you also have a supplemental draw engine like a stack of Dedicated Studies or even Epiphany if you have the extra chi).

What do you think of this pile of cards? Is there a cohesive combo here or is it just an idea with no gas? Tear it apart, remake your own, add in your ideas! Be sure to reach out on the Official Genesis: Battle of Champions Discord and let me know what you’re building!
As always, make sure you tune in on Monday’s, now at 8PM EST for the Genesis: Battle of Champions live streams. You can also see the progress of their current Kickstarter, as well as check out the official Genesis Battle of Champions website for a full card library, up-to-date rules and a store locator so you can find out the nearest LGS carrying Genesis!