Home / News / 64bit gaming heads to indie console Evercade this April

64bit gaming heads to indie console Evercade this April

In a pretty big announcement, Evercade has revealed the first 64bit title to be added to its lineup, with N64 title Glover.

Give ’em a hand… er, glove

Fans of Blaze Entertainment’s retro-themed line of consoles already have a pretty impressive series of compilation carts to pick from. The library runs the gamut from 8 and 16bit games, to PC titles, and even has seen the debut of a line of arcade hits. But the company is about to dive into yet another era of gaming history, with Piko Interactive Collection 4.

Obviously the fourth in the series from Piko, this upcoming set of games will include a first for Evercade, with a 64bit game. If you’re not familiar with the publisher, Piko owns the rights to a bunch of classic titles, including the N64’s Glover.

But of course, while the 3D platformer is the star of this new cart, it’s far from all that’ll be included.

  • Glover (64-bit)
  • Risky Woods
  • Street Racer
  • Zero Tolerance Underground
  • Sküljagger: Revolt of the Westicans
  • Bad Street Brawler
  • The Fidgetts
  • Mermaids of Atlantis
  • Star X
  • Target: Renegade

Fans can look for Piko Interactive Collection 4 to go on sale this April the 30th, with pre-orders kicking off this month, on February 29th. If you missed the announcements, there’s also a second Sunsoft collection in bound with the same dates attached, and both Indie Heroes Collection 3 and The C64 Collection 3, which are scheduled to hit retail this month (on the 29th).

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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