A new crossover event is bubbling up at Marvel Comics, with Symbiosis Necrosis set to engulf Venom and Carnage’s monthlies.
Might wanna get that looked at
What is Symbiosis Necrosis? Well, in short, it’s a new crossover event that will play out in the pages of Marvel’s Venom and Carnage books. From the team of writers Torunn Grønbekk and Al Ewing, and with art from Ken Lashley and Pere Pérezhe, the ooze-fueled tale will run four issues, and bring together some pretty interesting story-points.
Those include a showdown between Carnage and the new Dylan Brock version of Venom, plus more of the alt-universe Eddie (Meridius), and some apparent revelations about the link between Carnage and its host, Cletus Kasady.

The Venom father/son pair are currently on interwoven journeys across space and time in the pages of Venom but their paths will collide dramatically when Dylan faces off against Cletus for the first time. The crossover will be packed with explosive developments including a new look for Carnage, a power up for Dylan, a shocking twist to Cletus and Carnage’s bond, and an epic showdown with the only symbiote Carnage truly fears—Anti-Venom!
Marvel Comics press release
As you can see there, in addition to the new details about Symbiosis Necrosis, we also have a look at this cover illustration from series artist Lashley. And then there’s also a little bit more about the story itself, as told by writer Grønbekk to This Week in Marvel.
“If Dylan sees the full extent of what Venom has done in this world, it might not be great. And Carnage being as sadist as he is, he doesn’t just want to kill Dylan, he wants Dylan to be aware of everything that Venom has done. And it turns into a sort of spectacular thing. And then it sort of it takes a turn. And I’m not going to say what kind of turn, but it doesn’t go the way you think it will.”
Torunn Grønbekk, as seen on This Week in Marvel with Angélique Roché
Venom #31 ushers in the Symbiosis Necrosis arc on March 6th, which then rolls into Carnage #5 on the 13th. From there, fans can look for part 3 to play out in the pages of April 3rd’s Venom #32, before the whole thing comes to a close in April 10th’s Carnage #6.