Set in a steampunk world and featuring old-school, grid-based dungeon crawling gameplay, Vaporum: Lockdown is out on consoles today.
Locking down a release
Inspired by old-school classics, Vaporum: Lockdown is a grid-based dungeon crawler RPG in an original steampunk setting. Follow the story of Ellie Teller, a scientist who struggles to survive a disastrous event that happened in the tower of Arx Vaporum.
Vaporum: Lockdown expands on everything that made the first game good. To defeat nasty enemies, you can use synergistic armor pieces and gadgets that allow you to raise your own army of underlings or to manipulate the battlefield.
FatBot Games
Vaporum: Lockdown is out now for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.