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PSVR title Golem gets a retail edition

One of the most promising virtual reality titles to land on PSVR, Highwqire Games’ Golem is coming to retail with a boxed copy.

Taking control

It’s not too easy to find a quality title on PSVR. The virtual reality headset for the PS4, the PSVR has been pretty wanting in terms of a gaming catalog since its launch a few years ago.

So when you do get a quality game to play, well it’s kind of a big deal. Golem might just be one of those games.

From Highwire Games, Golem places gamers in the shoes of hero Twine. A different kind of protagonist, Twine is apparently bedridden, and unable to do much. So how do you play? Well, Twine has the power to take control of Golems, automatons of various sizes, and move out to interact with the world.

Not only does that sound cool, but it also allows for an interesting take bonn VR itself. It’s kind of exactly that in form and function after all.

Check out Golem in action

  • Multiple Control Options – Players can use PlayStation®Move Controllers for a unique movement system, physically leaning forward to walk and wielding weapons with the dominant hand. A joint DualShock®Controller and PlayStation Move setup offers an alternative approach, moving with the DualShock left analogue stick and controlling weapons with the PlayStation Move Controller.
  • Sprawling Open World in VR – Golem offers extensive exploration through an ancient city, which players can traverse from corner to corner, uninterrupted. Almost labyrinthian in scope and layout, the city has a wealth of routes, shortcuts, nooks and crannies. Some lead to loot and enemies, while others to crystal collectibles that shed more light on the history of this magically sealed place and its stone behemoths.
  • Challenging Melee Combat – As Twine, players command golems to face enemies in a fast-paced and punishing one-to-one melee combat where mastering the art of blocking, parrying and counterattacking is crucial. Enemy golems have their own unique attack patterns, weapons and movements that require quick responses. 
  • Specialized Weapons and Artifacts – Twine can make use of a variety of primary and special purpose weapons, gems and masks to upgrade their golem’s capabilities and access to different parts of the ruined city. The threats trapped within the city are forces to be reckoned with, though; if Twine’s golem dies, it is returned to the main city gates and all these key resources – and foes – are reset.
  • New Perspectives for Puzzle Solving – In addition to the massive golems, Twine needs to control small dolls to navigate areas that require a new perspective. Danger comes in all shapes and sizes, though, as the doll will encounter insects at eye-level while exploring tunnels, armed only with a crystal light to fend off the swarm.

Heading to retail

While the game has been out for a short time now, it’s also just seen release as a boxed title, at retail. Available at stores like GameStop, Amazon, Best Buy and Target, a copy of the game will run you $39.99 USD.

You will obviously need more than just that and a PS4 to play though. Keep in mind that, aside from a PSVR headset, you’ll also need a “PlayStation®Camera and one to two PS®Move controllers”.

There’s an interacting optional control method as well though. That’s since Golem also supports the PlayStation Nav Controller. Highwire touts it as one of the few games that does.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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