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DC unveils new Legion artwork, issue 2 cover

The Legion of Super-Heroes is back. After vanishing in the post-New52 continuity, the Legion has been revamped and is ready to rock this fall.

Dust off the old flight ring

If the just-revealed cover art for Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium #2 is anything to go by, the flight rings are back. Not that Superboy needs one to go airborne.

Yes, Superboy. There are a ton of questions surrounding this rebirth for the Legion, one of DC’s most famous super-teams. Not the least of those is ‘who’s this version of Superboy?’ Is he Superman, somehow younger in this far-future of the DCU? Might he be Jon Kent? Or is he an all-together new hero?

We’ll find out in due time of course, but right now we’ve got some cool Ryan Sook cover art to look over as Supes jr gets his ring. There’s also a pair of preview pages, though they come without setup, except for mentions of Booster Gold and OMAC (who also hasn’t been seen in a while).

That’s issue #2. As for the first installment, we actually know a little more about that, in addition to getting some color-free internal art.

Writer Brian Michael Bendis teams up with Araújo to introduce the still-mysterious central character to heroes from the future of the DC Universe, including her search for Tommy Tomorrow, OMAC, Booster Gold and others. 

DC Comics

The first issue of Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium lands on the racks on September 4th, with issue 2 arriving on October 2nd.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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