Home / Comics / Batman: Three Jokers to be DC Comics: Black Label book

Batman: Three Jokers to be DC Comics: Black Label book

Announced at SDCC was a little tidbit about Batman: Three Jokers. A mystery that’s been simmering for a while in the DCU.

Three of them?

There is more than one Joker. Actually, there are three… maybe. Back in 2016, the Darkseid War was playing out in DC’s books, and Batman actually became a New God for a time. He inhabited the Mobius Chair, which is Metron’s usual gig.

Since he had the Chair, he also had access to the limitless knowledge that Metron can tap into. Batman asked the name of his parents killer, which he actually already knew (Joe Chill), and what Joker’s true identity was. Instead of giving the answer, the Chair told him that there were three Jokers.

And that was it.

We never really learned any more about this massively huge plot point. Well, till now anyway. Again though, this might not actually be an answer either. Why’s that? Because Batman: Three Jokers will be a Black Label book.

The whole point of Black Label is that it’s its own thing. Separate from the DCU, Black Label is basically the Elseworlds brand relabeled. That’s a very cool thing indeed, but it’s not the place that I expected to find Three Jokers.

Does this mean that Three Jokers is going to be a Black Label title that’s in-continuity? Or might it be that DC will be retconning out Geoff Johns move to make the iconic DC villain even stranger? Right now we have no clue. No further exposition was given at the Con.

So basically, stay tuned. We’ll have more info for you when and if it’s released. For now though, know that Johns will still be helming the project, and that artist Jason Fabok will be handling the visuals.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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