There’s a fresh Serious Sam coming up, and it’ll be traveling all the way to Planet Badass. Expect vehicles, companion characters, and lots of big guns.
Planet-planet-planet badass
It’s been a while, but Serious Sam is back. And if today’s press release is anything to be believed then he’s back in a very big way. Developer Croteam is prepping what would be the biggest Sam adventure yet with Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass.
Now don’t worry, the classic FPS gameplay is still the focus. There’ll be plenty of running and gunning. What there will also be now though, is a brand new engine running it all. And that will mean ” much, muuuuuch bigger environments with legions (no, dude, legions) of enemies you’ll have to wipe out with a variety of insane weaponry.” Sounds good.
Sam will have access to some brand new elements too, with vehicles (including a Pope-mobile) and some friends to fight alongside. Those would be “Rodriguez, Jones Hellfire and the rest of the crew.”
Croteam is promising much more about the game this week. I assume that means more details on the new stuff and maybe some story description. This one’s coming up fairly soon too, with a “later this year” release date in place for both consoles and the PC.