Home / Action Figures and Toys / It’s Minimate Ragnarok! New Thor ‘mates hitting Walgreens and TRU

It’s Minimate Ragnarok! New Thor ‘mates hitting Walgreens and TRU

Thor Ragnarok is ripping up theaters and DST is right there with a new series of Minimates landing in Toys R Us and Walgreens stores.

It’s Ragnarok!

The fall of Asgard might be the stuff of legend, but it’s kicking all kinds of backside in the movies. Thor and Hulk are the stars of this one, as we get to see MCU versions of Hela and other Asgardian gods/comic book characters.

The Diamond Select Toys wave of Minimates dedicated to the movie is pretty complete too, with a generous assortment of characters included. As usual, these are two-packs, with each figure being sully articulated and loaded up with accessories (where it’s appropriate).

Also as usual? There are assortments that are exclusive to each retail location. So you’ll find figures at Walgreens that you won’t find at Toys R Us’, and vice-versa.

Here’s how it all breaks down (including comic shop assortments):


  • Gladiator Thor (with alternate hairpiece and swords) with Hela (with alternate hairpiece and head)
  • Gladiator Hulk (with weapons and alternate hairpiece) with Valkyrie
  • Grandmaster with Skurge (both Marvel Minimates firsts!) – exclusive
  • Roadworn Thor (with Mjolnir) with Civilian Loki – exclusive


  • Gladiator Thor (with alternate hairpiece and swords) with Hela (with alternate hairpiece and head)
  • Gladiator Hulk (with weapons and alternate hairpiece) with Valkyrie
  • Loki (Sakaar outfit) and Heimdall (with sword) – exclusive

At comic shops

  • Four-pack including Gladiator Thor (with alternate hairpiece), Hela (with alternate hairpiece and head), and exclusive figures of Bruce Banner (with alternate head) and Loki.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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