Home / MARVEL / Sony’s Venom movie confirmed to be linked to Tom Holland Spider-Man

Sony’s Venom movie confirmed to be linked to Tom Holland Spider-Man

Never fear true-believers, while he might not be directly linked to the MCU, Sony’s Venom isn’t as bad off as you might have thought.

Marvel and cinematic, but not the Marvel Cinematic Universe

So this is kind of weird, but it makes sense in a roundabout way. Just bear with me.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Sony’s on-again, off-again Venom movie was very much still alive. Actor Tom Hardy (Mad Max) had been cast in the role of (presumably) Eddie Brock, and the film would be moving forward.

There was some talk though, that it would not be linked to the MCU version of Spider-Man. Obviously, that makes no sense. You can’t really have Venom without Spider-Man after all. It makes even less sense considering that Sony wants to make its own mini “Spidey universe”, and the MCU Spidey is the Sony Spidey. Still, stranger things have happened in movie-land, and some fans were more than a little worried.

Well, you can stop worrying.

We are Venom!

For starters, it seems as though that “MCU” talk was a little double speak, and Venom will indeed be linked to the Tom Holland Spider-Man. The trick is that the Holland Spidey walks the line between the two film companies. And he probably won’t be in the MCU forever.

So his version of the web-head will be back in the Sony fold eventually. And he’ll apparently be moving on without further crossover into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But again, it’s the same version of Spider-Man.

While Venom in the MCU isn’t going to be a thing in the sense that he won’t be crossing over with the Avengers, he will still kinda be in there since he’ll be in movies opposite this version of Spider-Man. I assume that goes for all of Spider-Man’s friends and foes as well, some of whom will also be getting standalone movies.

All of this news comes out of the Hollywood Reporter, so it’s a solid source. And there’s more.

It looks like Carnage might be in the Venom movie as well, as the villain, and that Sony would like Holland in there for good measure.

Even though it seems like this won’t be a Spidey v Venom flick in any way, it’d be cool to see him. Website Heroic Hollywood points out though, that all of this “Spider-Man” talk will take some doing to get done.

Holland is only contracted to two more solo films as Spider-Man, which don’t seem like they’d include Infinity Wars. If he was going to co-star in Venom, there’d have to be some kind of extension in place. Not that I think that’s beyond the realm. It seems as though Holland digs the role, and it’s a big money movie any time Spidey is involved. I don’t think he and Sony would have too tough of a time coming together.

Further tales from the Spider-verse

On top of all this, are even more potential Spider-Man related movie happenings. And they don’t involve the title hero. Apparently, Sony is also looking at Kraven the Hunter and Mysterio to star in separate flicks. No, you read that right. Craven and Mysterio.

While those might not be official, it’s nearly a definite that there will be Silver Sable and Black Cat movies. Those are way more likely, and more of a realistic proposition I would think. I mean, does anyone want to watch an hour and a half of Mysterio? No. That’s the answer – no.

Whatever way it heads with the spinoffs, it certainly seems as though Sony is going to try and capitalize big time on the MCU crossover. And that can only be a good thing for fans of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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