Home / News / You Can Play the First Hour of Prey Right Now

You Can Play the First Hour of Prey Right Now

The hotly anticipated sci-fi first person action game Prey, has a demo available on Playstation 4 and Xbox One right now.

The first hour of the game is available to play for free on the consoles.  Playing Morgan Yu, you are the lead scientist aboard Talos I, but something is really wrong.

A press release describes the opening hour as follows:

“The Prey Demo: Opening Hour puts you in the role of Morgan Yu, lead scientist aboard Talos I, working on a scientific breakthrough meant to alter humanity forever. What starts off as an exciting first day of work very quickly takes a dark turn. You find yourself alone on board Talos I, a lavish but abandoned interstellar research facility. Aliens have overrun the station and are hunting down any surviving crew members, including you. Should these creatures reach Earth, life as you know it will end. It’s up to you to uncover the mysteries of Talos I and safeguard the world from the Typhon threat, so be sure to check out Bethesda.net for more details on how you can prepare to fight invasion.”

Prey is set to launch worldwide on May 5 for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC. Prey was developed by Arkane Studios, the company who made Dishonored.

Catch a trailer announcing the demo below:

About Erich Martin

Erich was introduced to gaming by his grandfather before he could walk. Since then, he has grown up loving Nintendo and most games in general. He couples his love of videogames with journalism to cover news, provide reviews and tell it how it is in the gaming world.

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