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Nintendo Showcases “Nindies” in Midweek Direct

Nintendo put out a loaded direct on Tuesday afternoon, focusing intensely on the upcoming indie games, affectionately termed “Nindie,” for the Nintendo Switch.

Included in the segment was the announcement of Steamworld Dig 2, the showing of Yooka-Laylee on the Switch, and the newest showing of Stardew Valley on the Switch

The direct opened up with the left field announcement of Steamworld Dig 2:

The first “Dig” and Steamworld Heist slipped by me, but to this day are on my radar as games I want to eventually play. The fact that the franchise is getting more love and games is great for series fans and prospective fans.

No release date was announced, but the game is slated to launch in 2017.

Graceful Explosion Machine looks to make the most of the HD  rumble support the joy cons allow.

Then, there’s Master Blast Zero,

Flipping Death,

Shakedown: Hawaii,

and Mr. Shifty:


These are just the standalone nindie trailers from Nintendo’s Youtube account. They also showed and confirmed for the Switch: Escapists 2, Yooka Laylee, Overcooked Special Edition, Gonner, Dandara, Kingdom: Two Crowns, Runner 3, Tumbleseed, Stardew Valley and Pocket Rumble.

Of these, Runner 3 is a Switch exclusive, Stardew Valley will be getting multiplayer features on the Switch before the other consoles, and the Overcooked Special Edition includes all DLC.

During the nindie direct, HD rumble was touted throughout as a feature that will make these games better than the other platforms. Specifically in Overcooked, the presenter bragged about feeling the veetables chop in your hand and the soup slosh around in the pot.

Man, if HD Rumble is that good, that’s a good sign for the attention to detail the Switch is showing.

The full Nintendo Direct can be viewed below. Is having high definition rumble going to be enough to make you buy Overcooked again? I know it will be enough for me.

About Erich Martin

Erich was introduced to gaming by his grandfather before he could walk. Since then, he has grown up loving Nintendo and most games in general. He couples his love of videogames with journalism to cover news, provide reviews and tell it how it is in the gaming world.

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