Home / Action Figures and Toys / Toy Fair 17: NECA packs Turtles, Evil Dead, Marvel/DC and more

Toy Fair 17: NECA packs Turtles, Evil Dead, Marvel/DC and more

NECA hit Toy Fair 2017 with a bang, loading up with tons of monster franchises and a few pretty excellent surprises.

Evil Dead

Let’s start off this look at NECA’s future wares with Ash. In particular, the incredible Evil Dead 2 two pack that’s coming. Why? Just ’cause, that’s why. Honestly, this pack was totally unexpected, and it’s just about as great as any Evil Dead/Army of Darkness fan could have hoped something like this could be.

Though it doesn’t come with the cabin, the set does include both Ash and Evil Ed. Ash is decked out in his iconic ripped up blue shirt and brown pants, and includes a total of three portraits. And all three look incredible. I know this isn’t the final retail version, but man does that look like the Evil Dead 2-era Bruce. Fantastic.

As for Evil Ed, well if you don’t know who that is, then you’ve never seen Evil Dead 2. Oh, and there was a certain puppet on display as well. And yes, he’s going to be for sale.

Aliens, Predator, and Terminator

Next up, we’ve got a look at some of NECA’s most popular lines. These three licenses have been with the company for a while, and they all have huge fan followings. Of course, they’re also pretty steadily some of the best work that you’re likely to see from any toy maker anywhere. That doesn’t hurt the old popularity, you know.

This year’s show had more ’90s style ‘Kenner’ Aliens on display, though nothing really too new. Still, the display itself is pretty freaking great and worth a look. And there were a few little newish nuggets in there, just nothing that you probably haven’t seen already.

As for the Predator stuff, there we had some all new things to gawk at. And that new selection started off with the Ultimate Jungle Hunter figure. It’s exactly what it sounds like- the ‘ultimate’ version of the original Pred. Of course, he’s pretty great-looking, and right in line with NECA’s other ‘ultimate’ figures.

Oh, and you’re probably wondering why stuff like the Dutch’s are in here again. There’s a good explanation; and that’s that NECA is re-releasing a lineup of seven older figures that haven’t been available for a while. So if you missed any of the company’s versions of Arnie, or some of the coolest Preds in the line, then you’ll want to keep your eyes open for these.

Marvel and DC Comics

NECA is expanding its Marvel and DC figure lines in a big way. I don’t know what kind of arcane ceremonies they had to perform to make this stuff happen, given that two pretty big manufacturers hold the two licenses, and I don’t care. This stuff is freaking awesome.

Do you dig that Superman vs Ali two pack that’s hitting now? Then you’re going to LOVE the Superman vs Alien pack. Yes, you ready that right, but that’s not all we’re getting. Also in the 6″ scale, there’ll be a Batman vs Jokerized Alien two pack, and an Armored Batman vs Predator two pack. Anything to not like about those? No, no there isn’t.

Prefer your heroes to be a little bigger? Well you’re in luck there too as NECA is also expanding their incredibly well-done quarter scale series. Their DC figures and Marvel Cinematic Universe 1/4 scalers have been around for a while, but they’re really just now getting into the Marvel comics end of things.

They started off the line with Deadpool, who hit this past Holiday. And now they’ve got two more pretty big time characters to show off. Yes, both Hulk and Daredevil are set to be heading to retail soon. As you might imagine too, both are absolute stunners. and there’s more MCU figs on the way too. Expect a new Cap, a new Iron Man, and Doctor Strange all coming up.


I have now and probably always will have a soft spot for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There are a few different Turtles lines out there at the moment, most of which are pretty neat, and some of which are super-expensive, collector fodder.

NECAs line of movie-inspired, Jim Henson-esque Turtles fall somewhere in the middle of that. They’re flat-out gorgeous figures, and coming in at the quarter scale, they’re quite a site to see all together. Since they are 1/4 scale though, they’re also a little on the expensive side at about $100 USD each. Still though, when you consider some of the other 12″ figures out there and what they go for, these actually start to look like a bargain.

Donny is out now, with Raphael hitting just about any day, while the other two bros will be along sometime in the next few months.

The best of the rest

Those were the major lines that caught my attention from NECA at Toy Fair, but there were plenty more awesome things to be seen. Gremlins, Godzilla, and more were all present and accounted for. So have a look at the gallery below for all the other stuff that I just had to get a shot of.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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