Home / Comics / Marvel kicks off new Star Wars crossover event with The Screaming Citadel

Marvel kicks off new Star Wars crossover event with The Screaming Citadel

Following up on last year’s Vader Down event, Marvel Comics is dishing out another Star Wars crossover. Get ready for The Screaming Citadel.

Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel

Weird title, no? Of course, there’s more to the Screaming Citadel than that. Crossing over Star Wars with Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, this one’s got plenty of the old and the new. And a creepy castle. Can’t forget that part.

Rebel pilot and rogue archaeologist wander side-by-side into the darkest corners of the galaxy as Luke Skywalker reluctantly teams with Doctor Aphra! The good Doctor has an offer for this flyboy farm boy – help her, and she’ll provide him with information crucial on his quest to become a Jedi. With an offer he can’t refuse on the table, this unlikely duo finds themselves deep into the heart of the infamous Screaming Citadel! Can Luke find what he’s looking for? Can Aphra be trusted? Or will the Citadel’s Queen and the dark forces lurking within make their journey a one-way trip?!


It all sounds pretty great. And it’s always nice to see the (new) expanded universe get fresh content. It seems like we’re getting a nice mix too, with a hefty dose of new ideas. I don’t remember the Screaming Citadel from Star Wars lore, and it seem like it’s a pretty heavy expansion.

While the event will feature only two ongoings crossing over into each other, there’s a bit more too. There’ll be a Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel #1 one shot  starting everything up. That’ll land in May, before we get into the actually crossover issues of the two separate books.

As for the creative team, they’re pretty excited.

“We’re so excited for The Screaming Citadel because it brings a whole new tone and feel to the Star Wars characters we know and love,” says series Editor Jordan D. White. “The titular citadel is our version of the dark and mysterious castle on the hill, and our cast of rebels and rogues are the adventurers who face a stormy night exploring the darkness. Kieron and Jason write these characters so vibrantly, it’s awesome to see them thrown into a new situation like this…get ready for a good one!”

“In writing the issues so far reminds me of how much fun it was writing Star Wars: Vader Down and mixing up the casts together,” says Jason Aaron in an interview with Marvel.com. “And it reminds me how much there still is left on the table. We did that crossover and the whole thing was these two casts fighting against each other, but we really only scratched the surface of what’s out there for stories. It’s been a blast getting back to that.”

About JessicaR

The movies, music and television of the '80s are Jessica's obsession. She's a fan of almost everything from the 'me decade' including (but not limited to) Barbie, Jem, She-Ra, Ms Pac-Man and neon print anything.

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