Home / 3DS / Fire Emblem Echoes, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Fire Emblem Switch Announced

Fire Emblem Echoes, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Fire Emblem Switch Announced

No console is left behind as Nintendo shows off mobile, 3DS, and Switch Fire Emblem titles.  Fire Emblem Echoes, Fire Emblem Heroes, Fire Emblem Switch, and Fire Emblem Warriors shown.Fire Emblem Echoes

In 20 minutes, Nintendo bolstered the hearts of Fire Emblem players, no matter their device of choice.  The Fire Emblem Direct opened with a trailer for Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, the latest in the series for the 3DS family of systems.  Directly inspired by Fire Emblem Gained, the second title in the franchise, Fire Emblem Echoes will reimagine the game’s mechanics with “a modern twist,” and introduce to western fans dungeon crawling elements.  Updated in every way, the “remake” will be a modernized title in every way, and will launch on May 19 in North America.  On the same day, we’ll also see amiibo for the game’s main characters, Alm and Celica, in a two pack.

Also announced: Fire Emblem for the Nintendo Switch.  This Fire Emblem, we’re reminded in the reveal, will be the first mainline title made for a home console since 2007’s Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (one of the strongest in the series, in this editor’s humble opinion!), and is expected to launch in 2018.  We’ve got nothing else to chew on, so tide yourself over with hopes and dreams.

Fire Emblem Warriors, previously announced during the Switch reveal, has an extended trailer, showing the first shot of gameplay.  It’s about what you can expect: Chrom beating up dozens of soldiers in the same combo.  The game is developed by the same team as Hyrule Warriors, so there’s no doubt we can expect an equally packed title when it comes out this Fall (2017) on Nintendo Switch and New 3DS systems.

Fire Emblem EchoesLastly, the direct showed an extensive look of Fire Emblem Heroes for mobile, which uses micro-transactions instead of Mario’s pay-to-play entry fee.  The game features small maps that can fit on the phone’s screen (without the need for scrolling), and tighter battles than the franchise’s core titles, though we’re told we can expect a similar level of challenge.  Players will utilize small parties made of characters from across the franchise’s history, all with updated art, summoned via items that can be earned via gameplay or purchased via cash.  Pre-registration will be available on January 19, and the game will launch on iOS and Android on February 2 this year.

For glimpses of all four titles (well, three: minus Fire Emblem Switch), be sure to check out the 19.03 minute direct.


About Michael

Brutal Gamer's Nintendo Editor spends an endless amount of time on his Switch (when he isn't lost in the mountains), dreaming of the return of 1080, F-Zero, and Custom Robo.

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