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Watch the Full Nintendo Switch Livestream Because Why Haven’t You

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbgX5XRFHK4[/embedyt]

What Did We Just Watch?

What has been said about the conference has already been said enough, so check out some of these articles a;; about the switch and stay tuned for our upcoming podcast where we will dive into the horrors that have happened this week in gaming.




About Dylan Lepore

Dylan is a writer, gamer, avid movie lover, and PlayStation extraordinaire. Currently, he attends Radford University in pursuit of a BS in Media Studies with a concentration in Journalism. When he’s not writing the next epic post (but you know he is), he plays games like Destiny, Uncharted, Wolfenstein/DOOM/Dishonored; long story short: If I played the game, I liked it; if I haven't played it, just remember that I'm in college.

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