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DC Comics preps Justice League v Suicide Squad and more for December

It’s going to be a pretty big end of the year for DC Comics. The publisher has announced that its December listings will include Justice League v Suicide Squad and lots more.


DC is just coming off a monster of a month in August. If you don’t know, the company soundly beat competition Marvel Comics for the first time in a while, with nine of the top ten books in the month belonging to them. Part of that success? Rebirth. The initiative that started a few months back has been a revelation for DC, restarting many of their major brands, but without rebooting anything.

Basically, this is the DCU that you probably know and love, with all the major elements intact. The only difference being that these are still (mostly) the New 52-niverse versions of the characters. Though that looks like it’s slowly changing as well.

As we get deeper into Rebirth, there’s plenty of new stuff coming too. One of the biggest short-term events on the way is Justice League vs Suicide Squad, and it’s scheduled to hit in time to close out the year. That’s not all that on the docket for December though, as DC will have more of Gerard Way’s Young Animal “pop-up imprint” as well. Expect Mother Panic #2 to land on the racks.

Love DC for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and all the rest? Well, you can obviously expect plenty of all of them too. There’s also a really cool looking Aquaman story kicking off in issue #12 of that book too called The Deluge. Behind its tantalizing cover, there’s a story there that has Aquaman going head-to-head with NEMO, headed by Black Manta. Should be a good one.

As you might expect, there’s a Holiday Special hitting too. Look for Flash, Huntress, Wonder Woman, Constantine and… Detective Chimp. Now that’s a lineup.

Look for it all in December, and click here to check out the full catalog of what’s on the way.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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