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Mobius Final Fantasy

Preregistration opens for new Final Fantasy mobile game

Square Enix has announced today that preregistration has begun for Mobius Final Fantasy. This new mobile game is set to drop next month on iOS and Android devices. It will offer a brand new RPG adventure, and promises deep character customisation, ongoing live events, and glorious HD graphics.

Mobius Final Fantasy comes to us from the minds of an all-star development team including producer Yoshinori Kitase and writer Kazushige Nojima – known for their work on Final Fantasy VII as well as the remake that is currently in development. Players will take on the role of a man who wakes up in a world called Palamecia. With no recollection of his past, he must unravel a prophecy about the legendary warrior of light and no doubt save the land from impending doom.

The game will be free-to-play with in-app purchases. However, despite the use of much-hated microtransactions, the game has received high praise in Japan.  Preregistration for the game begins today on the official registration site. Fans who preregister will receiveFinal Fantasy X-themed items, including Tidus’s signature weapon, Brotherhood, and a Yuna character card along with other special rewards when the game launches on August 3.

About Dan Atlee

From the tender age of four, when he was given his first Sony PlayStation, Dan has been hooked on video games. He loves his RPGs more than anything, enjoys immersion and will definitely blame any FIFA losses on scripting.

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