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Art and details abound in Art of Gears of War 4

Another art book announcement comes out of Dark Horse Comics this week with the Art of Gears of War 4. Read on for a look at the book, and some interesting new details about the Gears universe.

The Swarm get a little more detailed

It certainly looks as though things have gone to hell again in the Gears universe. Gears of War 4 is set to intro a new villainous force laying siege to the world of Sera with the Swarm. As far as what developer The Coalition has shown of the game, we know precious little about these new baddies.

Art of Gears 4What we do know though is that they’re a force not all that dissimilar to the Locust. We also know that they’re making their presence felt decades after the end of the previous trilogy. Now, thanks to Dark Horse Comics and this new art tome, we have even more info about these gross new baddies.

According to the press release, the Swarm are “an emergent alien menace unlike anything seen before”. The release also mentions that Sera (the planet) is the “adopted home” of humanity.

That’s a new one, since it had pretty much always been mentioned that this was an ‘alternate universe’. Kind of a fantasy thing, where there is no Earth per se. So with that in mind, it certainly seems like Gears 4 will be shaking the fiction up a bit.

And it’s probably going to have some kick ass art direction as well.

Another all-encompassing Dark Horse edition

If you know Dark Horse art books, then you already know that the Art of Gears of War 4 will be loaded. You can expect to see “hundreds of individual pieces of concept and production art, and intimate commentary from the game’s creators”. Bind all that up into a nice little hardcover package, and you’ve got a book that fans will not want to miss out on.

Fortunately for fans, and potential gift-givers, the book will arrive just before the Holidays too. You can expect to see it emerge on shelves this coming December the 20th.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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