Your new replica has arrived Commander.
Now available for pre-order from Project TriForce is their first full-fledged replica weapon from the legendary XCOM series of strategy titles. The new Beam Pistol joins arms from Mass Effect, Halo and more as the company’s latest entry in the high-end collector’s market. And if you’re familiar with TriForce, then you know to expect quite a bit from this bad boy.
Based on the weapon’s appearance in XCOM2, which was released not all that long ago, the Beam Pistol measures over a foot in length and weighs in at 7 pounds. It’s also got a cool LED lighting effect happening, is cast in polystone, and is hand-finished and painted- so you can expect a ton and half of quality out of what could easily be a centerpiece to anyone’s collection.
In total, the pistol will run you $350 USD, which is actually cheap by TriForce’s standards, and you can reserve one for a down-payment of $87.50 USD. Get it here.