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Epic Games Reveals Paragon MOBA

The MOBA’s 3rd person angle brings a new closeness to the genre.

At the end of the PSX 2015 Show, Sony showed off one last new title: Epic Games’ Paragon.  The game is a MOBA exclusive to PC and PS4, and while the unveiling showed off a snazzy announcement trailer, it was devoid of gameplay.

Fortunately, a quick jump to Paragon’s site shows a quick teaser (under one minute) that does give a better sense of how the game will look.  As a League of Legends player whose MOBA days date back to a deluge of Warcraft III mods, I’m super excited for Epic’s take on the genre.  The behind-the-shoulder view definitely brings players closer to the action, and attacks will actually require aiming beyond a single right click.

You can sign up now for a chance to join the beta, which will begin in January of next year, followed by Early Access in the Spring (payment required) and an Open Beta in the Summer.  You can also start checking out some of the in-game cards to pick and choose some you’ll start with the first time you play.

For those of you not in the know, Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas are a genre (though I liken it more to a game mode) of games that began as mods like DotA and have gained popularity with titles like League of Legends, DotA 2, Heroes of the Storm, and Smite.  Paragon seems to be most like that last due to its camera angle.  The games usually pit five players against each other on multi-lane maps, requiring teamwork, strategy, and coordination to push down waves of creeps and secure victory.

Looking forward to seeing this fresh MOBA on Playstation 4 and PC, and looking forward to seeing all of you online!


About Michael

Brutal Gamer's Nintendo Editor spends an endless amount of time on his Switch (when he isn't lost in the mountains), dreaming of the return of 1080, F-Zero, and Custom Robo.

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