There’s almost too much cool stuff in this Captain America: Civil War trailer.
I’m not a fan of the Civil War storyline in the comics at all, like, in the least. The film version though, much like with Age of Ultron, bears little resemblance to the original tale, and that’s a big plus for me. With tons of stuff going on, piles of superheroes all over the place (some of whom are making their intro into the MCU), and a really solid-looking storyline that revolves around Chris Evans’ Cap and Sebastian Stan’s Bucky, the third Captain America film looks like it hits all the right notes square on the nose.
It’s also got a way darker tone than recent Marvel films like Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, and the aforementioned Avengers: AoU. For my tastes, that’s also a very good thing since I tend to like the darker elements of comics way more than the comedic.
Mark your calendars, Captain America: Civil War arrives in theaters on May 6ht of next year.