Home / E3 / PlayStation Bringing the E3 Experience to Theaters Again!

PlayStation Bringing the E3 Experience to Theaters Again!

Didn’t get tickets to E3? Don’t worry because you’ll be able to experience PlayStation’s E3 experience from the comfort of your local movie theater. Once again PlayStation and Fathom Events are teaming up to bring you all the insider footage and demos exclusive to this industry event.

Due to last year’s high demand (tickets gone in fifteen minutes), they are expanding the number of theaters to provide more PlayStation fans the opportunity to see the E3 experience. Theater goers will be privileged to a thirty-minute post-presentation show with extended footage and interviews with developers. Attendees also receive an exclusive swag bag with PlayStation goodies!

If you are interested in participating, ticket sales begin Wednesday, May, 27th at 9 am PST on playstation.com/e3experience. 80% of each theater’s capacity will be reserved for ticket holders with 20% remaining for wait list on a first-come, first-serve basis. Amazingly, admission will remain free for audiences, so you’ll definitely want to mark your calendar.

If you can’t make it to theatres but want to watch Sony’s E3 presentation, check out PlayStation LiveCast show to watch coverage. You’ll also be able to view the event from your PS4 or PS3 Live Events Viewer app.

The E3 hype train has officially left the station! Are you onboard yet?


Follow me on Twitter for PlayStation and gaming news: @lmrome3

About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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