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Zen Pinball 2 (PS4) Review

An epic tale of… pinball?

Zen Pinball 2 is a grand game of pinball filled with epic quests, different stories (both old and new), and accompanied by some of the greatest music to have ever been scored.

Graphically speaking, Zen Pinball 2 gets the job done. The tables look awesome and no two tables are the same. Each have their own characters and each table has a story to tell as well. The coloring of the tables looks wonderful and they are well designed and they are all quite big. Each one is tailor suited to its theme, from the Star Wars motif to Marvel’s Avengers, each of them is filled with various quests and achievements and this is both the game’s highest and lowest points. The game is at its highest because you will never run out of content, and at its lowest because of how cramped the tables seem to be due to all of the content they tried to ram into each and every one.

The music of Zen Pinball 2 is one of the game’s better features, as each table comes with a theme, and accompanying that theme are the various sounds and music from that world. I first tried out a Star Wars themed table and hearing the franchise’s various songs and Darth Vader tempting me to join the Dark Side of the Force  I was, as a fan, honestly elated. The music is masterfully done and made a normal game of Pinball one of the best experiences I have ever had as a gamer and as a movie fan.

Gameplay here is unsurprisingly straightforward in that you control 4 flippers with two of them are situated at the bottom of the table and two placed at the upper-middle portion of the table. You try to score as many points as you can while keeping the ball ‘alive’, but Zen Pinball takes all of that and gives it a twist: You now have quests to do as well as the ability to receive various power-ups and play some mini-games along the way. It’s a good way to do pinball and I can honestly say that I enjoyed each and every addition and change made to the traditional pinball genre.

The game features a social system as well, which makes it both great for finding and playing with friends, and changes the game competitively for those looking to leave their name in the annals of the Zen Pinball 2 global high score. Each table’s high scores are recorded and the game automatically updates the online high scores so competitive players have the option to attempt at becoming the number one in the world at pinball – at least for that particular table.

Again, one of the game’s highest and lowest points lies in the fact that the game has a ton of content adding replay value and variety, which is a good thing, but the downside is that each table has to be purchased so players on a budget will have a hard time enjoying most of the game’s features. If you do have the discretionary funds though, each table is worth buying, really. The quality of each table is pretty much assured and I can guarantee that everyone will find one that is suited for them, may they be a comic book fan or a movie buff, there’s a table for everybody.

Final Thoughts

Zen Table 2 is as perfect as any pinball game can ever be. It’s fun, dynamic, and has a ton of content- so this is the perfect game for the casual gamer in you. And who knows, the game may even bring out an even more competitive side of you.

About Benj

Benj likes video games, neckties and scotch. His favorite games include Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy VIII. You may contact him at [email protected]

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