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Evolve Big Alpha Trailer

Prepare for hunting season. Turtle Rock Studios has just released another trailer for their award winning co-op/competitive shooter Evolve, focusing on the playable big baddie. The trailer was released to announce a new closed “Big Alpha” testing that you gain access to with pre-order along with a savage goliath skin and monster expansion pack, which includes a new playable monster. The Big Alpha testing takes place this Halloween weekend.

Evolve is a new take on co-op/competitive shooting games that will be very welcomed in a genre beaten down by repetitive franchises. The concept is simple: a team of four hunters takes on a monster, but in this game, a player controls the monster with plant and animal life factoring in as adversaries to hunter and monster alike. Evolve’s gameplay is further enhanced by first rate graphics and aesthetics as shown in the trailer. Turtle Rock Studios is seriously setting up to release an intense game that looks exciting and insanely fun to play. With over sixty awards bestowed on Evolve, including Best in Show at both E3 2014 and Gamescom 2014, it is hard not to be excited for this badass game to hit shelves. Hunting season officially opens February 10, 2015 on XBox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

About Lisa

Favorite Game: Shadow of the Colossus. Favorite Moment in gaming: 100% completing Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Life isn't hard, Megaman is.

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