Home / Microsoft / Leaked Star Wars Battlefront 3 Alpha footage

Leaked Star Wars Battlefront 3 Alpha footage

New footage of the Alpha build of Star Wars Battlefront 3 has been leaked. This footage is from the Free Radical’s version of Battlefront 3. After several years in development, Battlefront 3 for the Xbox 360 was cancelled. As seen from the footage this footage is from a Xbox 360 devkit. The game looks decent but runs under 30fps.

This build of Star Wars Battlefront 3 was first mentioned in 2006. Several reports came out in the following years either backing up this claim or outright calling it a lie. Then finally a video surfaced showing an early build of Free Radical’s Battlefront 3. Along with this video came the finger pointing as to why this game did not see the light of day.

It is easy to spot that is this the Free Radical Alpha as it is playing on a Xbox 360 and it also showcases the continuous environment. A big selling point for Battlefront 3 was the ability to battle on the surface and then take the fight to space and battle it out with spaceships.

For me personally, this footage looks awesome. I would have bought this game on day one and would still be playing even now. I hope DICE and EA are able to make their version of Battlefront 3 as good if not better.



About Rick Brown

As a fearful proponent, I agree with out robot overlords on House Bill 10010101 - The Full Extermination of the Human Race. But until then, make sure to check out all my writings on video game stuff.

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