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Eternal Con bringing comic book goodness to Long Island

Arriving in just a few week’s time, Eternal Con is set to deliver a comic book convention back to Long Island, NY in style.

After having debuted just last Summer, Eternal Con is ready to deliver a comic con for the Island one more time this June at the Cradle of Aviation Reckson Center in Garden City. It’s been a while since the Long Island area has had a grade A con to call its own and Eternal Con looks to be just that. I remember many a convention in the ’80s and ’90s (when I went to a ton of them) both on the Island and in Manhattan, but they all kind of dried up as the new century rolled around.

Now that the SDCC and NYCC are becoming the mega-cons that they are and comic book properties are dominating at the cinema and now on  TV though, it looks like the smaller, more regional cons are set to make a comeback as well. At least, I hope that’s the case as they were always a ton of fun and more than a great way to spend a weekend. As for Eternal Con, it looks like they’re already making some hay with a first rate guest list and plenty of other cool stuff on tap for the two day event.

As for guests, you can expect to see “Rebecca Mader (star of the hit ABC tv series “Once Upon a Time” and LOST), Daniel Cudmore (Star of X-Men: Days of Future Past and the Twilight series), Ray Park (Star of G.I Joe and Star Wars), Lee Arenberg (Star of “Once Upon A Time, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Trek), the original Red Power Ranger Steve Cardenas, Zach Galligan (star of Gremlins), Catherine Mary Stewart (Star of The Last Starfighter and Weekend at Bernie’s), WWE wrestler Mick Foley, Tiamak (star of the Last Dragon), Paris Themmen (star of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory)” all on hand. The promoters also say that there’ll be more special guests on the list as the show date gets closer, so stay tuned for that.

Also appearing will be over 70 comic book luminaries including “Amanda Conner (Supergirl, Harley Quinn), Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex, Painkiller Jane), Adam Kubert (Avengers, X-Men), Larry Hama (G.I. Joe), Bob Larkin (Famous Cover Artist), Sean Chen (X-Men, Iron Man), and Billy Tucci (Shi, Wonder Woman).” In addition, there’ll also be a cosplay contest judged by Face-Off’s Sue Lee, a costume parade (which’ll be free for the public), and a special Costume Night at nearby Citi Field, the home of the New York Mets baseball team.

The Citi Field event, along with a series of auctions at the con itself, will be used to also raise funds for charitable institutions. Groups like The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, Hurricane Sandy Relief, and possibly The Special Olympics will all be part of the fundraising efforts, though that last one has yet to be confirmed.

The show kicks off on Saturday June 14th (10am to 7pm) and runs through the 15th (10am to 5pm). Click here for the official site to see more about the show and the full listing of special events that’ll be available to attend.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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