The Aliens franchise is getting another chance at a first-person shooter thanks to Sega and developer Creative Assembly.

Hot on the heels of what was widely considered to be a huge disappointment in Gearbox’ (though that’s debatable) Aliens: Colonial Marines, Aliens: Isolation will reportedly feature series star Ellen Ripley’s daughter Amanda as the playable character.
Amanda, gamesIndustry points out, was actually in the original films- in a way. She was mentioned in the special edition of Aliens in that she may have dies while Ripley was in cryosleep. It would certainly be quite a coincidence if the younger Ripley had met up with the same xenomorphic scourge that her mother did.
In any event, the game is sounding very interesting indeed as it will have an eye towards the slow horror of the first film more than the all-out action of the second. Aliens: Isolation will pit Amanda against a single xeno, alone and trapped on a space station for a good chunk of the gameplay.
With inspirations listed as BioShock and Dishonored, it’ll be very interesting to see how it turns out. No platform announcements have been made for this one as of yet, but we’ll keep you updated as soon as something breaks.
Source: gamesIndustry