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PlayStation 4: The Hardware Details

A look at what you can expect from the console and controller.

So, as you’ll no doubt be aware, Sony have officially announced the PlayStation 4, which will be the system’s official title.  No actual console hardware was shown off, but the basic specs unveiled at the PlayStation meeting were as follows: –

  • Hard drive disk storage
  • 8GB Unified Memory (RAM)
  • X86 CPU
  • Enhanced PC GPU

The sytem will be powered by a custom 8-core AMD “Jaguar” x86-64 with an integrated graphics APU and next-gen AMD Radeon graphics processor.  Basically, the PS4 achitecture is a souped up PC, which should make development a lot easier than the PS3.  The tech sheet can be found below: –

(Source: IGN)

One big feature is that Sony is aiming to make every PS4 game remotely playable on the PS Vita.  The PS4 becomes like a server in this case, whereas the Vita is a client.  Other devices are expected to be able to play PS4 games as well.  The UI for the PS4 will be different too, replacing the XMB of the PS3 with a style more reminiscent of the updated PlayStation Store.  You’ll be able to carry over your existing username to the new system, and it seems as though your existing trophy data will be carried over as well.

Like the Vita, the PS4 will support the ability to suspend a play session and return to it at the exact point you left off, allowing you to check other apps as well.  If you buy games digitally, you’ll also be able to play the game while it’s downloading, so you can pretty much play straight away rather than waiting.  You can also upload footage of you playing games or stream live play, with friends being able to watch you and chat, with cross game chat being available.  You’ll get your own Facebook style profile integrated into the system as well.

The DualShock 4 controller contains a small touch pad in the centre of it, a feature that has been rumoured for some time.  There’s also a share button, a headphone jack and an LED player sensor.  The touchpad will have a mechanical button and feature ‘capacitive type’.  As you probably would expect, the DualShock 4 will be slightly heavier than the DualShock 3.

It will be interesting to see exactly how all of this works.  Are you excited about the hardware?  Let us know in the comments below.

About Mike Jones

Mike is Brutal Gamer's Indie Editor. He has been playing video games since the early 90s and is fond of racing games, puzzlers and MMOs. Typing /played while in WoW makes him cry, but not enough to stop him playing some more.

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