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New Trailer For Warface

Crytek’s free-to-play shooter gets a new trailer.

A new trailer has been released for Crytek’s upcoming game Warface.  The game is a free-to-play online shooter being published by Trion Worlds, and is built around CryEngine 3.

The game is coming to Europe, the US, Australia and New Zealand, and had 5 million registered users in Russia as of November last year, and is currently in closed beta over here.  The game is going to feature: –

  • A wide variety of intense and rewarding multiplayer options
  • A vast and frequently updated PVE universe, featuring dramatic co-op missions where you are rewarded for both teamwork and individual skill
  • A full set of class-based PVP modes make for an unrivaled competitive experience

We had a chance to play the game at last year’s Eurogamer Expo, and it seems pretty solid.  You can see the trailer below.

Source: CVG

About Mike Jones

Mike is Brutal Gamer's Indie Editor. He has been playing video games since the early 90s and is fond of racing games, puzzlers and MMOs. Typing /played while in WoW makes him cry, but not enough to stop him playing some more.

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