Some of the best known Nintendo characters from Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda will be at you scribblin’ command in the Wii U game.
Promising “dozens of… favorite characters and items from the Mario™ and Legend of Zelda™ franchises exclusively in the Wii U™ version of the game.” Scribblenauts Unlimited should be quite the hit with anybody who loves these classic characters and worlds. Which is probably everybody.
Also kinda cool?
Players will delight in producing fantastical and sometimes hilarious interactions between the Mario and Legend of Zelda characters and objects, alongside everyone’s favorite word-wielding Scribblenauts adventurer, Maxwell. Discovered Nintendo characters and objects will behave in the fun and fantastical ways they do in their respective game worlds.
Very cool stuff. Scribblenauts Unlimited will be available for the Wii U (with the Nintendo exclusives), 3DS, and PC this November.