Home / Comics / Preview: Power Lords returns this January, bringing cosmic action to the Nacelleverse

Preview: Power Lords returns this January, bringing cosmic action to the Nacelleverse

The Nacelle Company‘s shared universe is expanding into the cosmic realm with the Oni Press debut of Power Lords.

Never though we’d see the day

It’s been a long time since Power Lords was… well really anything at all. The 80s action figure line was kind of the definition of the word ‘niche’, and fell into obscurity pretty quickly. The property still has its fans today though, which it can probably owe to its incredibly imaginative nature and way-out designs.

With that in mind, it actually is kind of weird that we haven’t seen a reinvention of the brand in so long. Nevertheless though, it’s finally (almost) here, and Power Lords is poised to be bigger then it ever was back in 1983. The Nacelleverse is the impetus for that, as The Nacelle Company will see Adam Power and crew added to its shared universe, which encompasses action figures, cartoons, and comics.

Power Lords will actually debut first in that last format, with January’s Power Lords #1 from Oni Press and writers Dennis Culver and Matt Hotson. The title will be the latest in the publisher’s Nacelleverse line, joining the likes of RoboForce and Biker Mice from Mars.

From this just launched first look, fans can expect plenty of action, some stellar art from V Ken Marion, and a bevy of insane looking aliens.

When deep-space smuggler Adam Power comes into possession of the mysterious Power Jewel, he finds himself transformed into something far greater and more powerful than the sum of his parts—and is drafted into an eons-old battle between good and evil that could rend entire galaxies asunder!  The next chapter of the NACELLEVERSE starts here as the POWER LORDS are reborn for a new generation!

Oni Press press release

As you can see in the gallery above, not only does the book look great, but it’ll be launching with a selection of variant covers. Those will hail from well-known industry talent like  Dustin Weaver, Salvador LarrocaWayne Barloweand Grey Williamson.

Fans can look for Power Lords #1 (of 3) on the racks this January the 29th.

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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