Home / Comics / Preview: The Biker Mice from Mars speed into their new Nacelleverse comic

Preview: The Biker Mice from Mars speed into their new Nacelleverse comic

One of the classic properties that Nacelle Company is merging into its shared universe, a new Biker Mice comic is coming up from Oni Press.

They’re bikers and mice

Debuting in 1993, Biker Mice from Mars was a pretty big hit, running for three seasons in syndication and seeing a popular toy line arrive in stores. If you need a refresher, the cartoon show followed a trio of hard-riding humanoid mice, who hailed from the red planet and battled alien villains like the Plutarkians and the feline Catatonians. And while the property has been dormant for ages, it’s about to rev those engines once more, for an impressive media blitz.

Factoring into that will be the NacelleVerse, a new shared universe of classic 80s and 90s properties. We’ve told you about a few of the disparate Ips that will be involved, like Sectaurs and RoboForce, but it definitely seems as though the Biker Mice from Mars will be one of the bigger pieces to the Nacelle-puzzle.

Biker Mice from Mars has a whole new series of figures and bikes coming up, as well as an animated series that’s on the way. There’s some serious muscle behind that too, as it hails from producers “Brian Volk-Weiss, Cisco Henson, Matt Kravitsky, Michael Goodman, Gavin Hignight and Matt Lawton from Nacelle Company, Maximum Effort’s Ryan Reynolds, George Dewey, Kevin Hill and Ashley Fox, as well as Fubo’s David Gandler and Pamela Duckworth”. Yes, that Ryan Reynolds.

But before all of that cool stuff arrives, there are some comics to talk about.

From the printed page, to you

Oni Press is the company who’ll be bringing the Biker Mice from Mars to comics, for their first ever series (we think). Set to be a mini-series event like the rest of the NacelleVerse books from the publisher, Biker Mice will feature the talents of some industry vets. Writer Melissa Flores, who you might know from books like Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and Spider-Gwen: Smash, will be joined by artist Frances Portela (Green Lantern) for the title, which will have a three issue run.

The book will kick off the action in Biker Mice from Mars #1 (of 3) this July the 17th, and we have a full preview of the first few pages (plus a bunch of variant cover options) for you to peruse. Enjoy.

Best friends Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie were just three anthropomorphic, motorcycle-riding mice who called Mars home . . . and were always bad to the bone. But when the ruthless Plutarkian races stage a mass invasion to strip their planet of its precious resources, their antiauthoritarian streak is going to turn into a full-blown insurgency. Only the Biker Mice from Mars can prevent the mass destruction of Earth’s nearest neighbor . . . and the freedom of our entire solar system may just hang in the balance. 

Oni Press press release

About Jason Micciche

Jason's been knee deep in videogames since he was but a lad. Cutting his teeth on the pixely glory that was the Atari 2600, he's been hack'n'slashing and shoot'em'uping ever since. Mainly an FPS and action guy, Jason enjoys the occasional well crafted title from every genre.

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